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Rpg Maker Mv Damage Formula

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Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. My current formula is ((a.hp / a.mhp) ^ -1.1). a.mat I'm asking because the skill consistently does 0 damage despite my calculations. Last edited by Veggiefroot; Jun 24, 2017 @ 9:47am. RPG Maker EXP Calculator Version: 1.00. Welcome to a RPG Maker calculator! The following is a calculator for determining the amount of times an Actor using a Class with a specified EXP curve would have to gain a certain amount of EXP before leveling to their next level.

  1. Rpg Maker Mv Damage Formula
  2. Rpg Maker Mv Skills
  3. Rpg Maker Mv Damage Formula Generator

A downloadable plugin

This plugin allows the developper to utilize more parameters, for both actors and enemies (from here on mentioned as 'battlers'), than the default ones set by RPG Maker MV.

They are independent among different battlers, meaning you should not expect to use them for the whole party.

Important note: this is an internal mechanics plugin. It does not affect menus and the like. Meaing you can create the parameters and use them, but will need something else to show them.

Compatible with most Yanfly plugins, including Item Core, Equip Core and Attachable Augments and even Equip Battle Skills.

Compatible with RPG Maker MV versions above 1.5.1.

The parameter's value should be able to be called by using:

For example, if the command name is 'test', battler.test should return the value of the test parameter for that battler.

A quick manual:

When you install the plugin, it seems to have only one parameter, called 'Parameters'.

But, when you open it, you see that is wrong.

'Parameters', when opened, reveals itself as a list. Each of your new parameters will be an element in this list.

Important note: Every time you need to call the parameter's id through code, the number is the position on the list -1. In the example image, the parameter's id is 0.

Open the parameter in the list - or in the case of a new one open the empty one, in the image the 2 but on a first use the 1, to actually change the parameter.

  • The first line is the parameter's command name, or the stat's name. It is the value, together with the id that you get on the list, that you will use the most after it is all set to use.
    Example, calling for the pictured example in a damage formula would be a.armPen. Be careful though, the Command Name is case sensitive, meaning armPen is different from armpen.
  • The second line is the parameter's text name. Just in case you are using the messages for buff/debuff and the like. You can also call it in custom-made menus. Most won't use it, though.
  • The third line is the preset base of the parameter. The default formula is this.level ? (level * 1) : 1 meaning that, if the battler has a level (being an actor or using an enemy levels plugin) the value will be the level, else it will be 1. Feel free to change it to fit your real needs. As you can see, in the example image it is 0.
  • Can also be set individually for each actor or enemy through a notetag , x being the new formula and stat being the parameter's command name.
  • The fourth line is the parameter's formula. It is based on the Yanfly parameters formulas, in for example his Base Parameters plugin. You can add or remove from it as needed, but I suggest only adding to the formula and not removing the variables.
  • The fifth line is the parameter's buff formula. It is the formula used when buffing/debuffing to set the parameter's formula buffRate.
  • The sixth and seventh lines are the parameter's minimum and maximun value. They can be changed for a certain battler through notetags.
  • The next four lines are the max number of how many times something can be buffed/debuffed on this stat, default and maximum values. The value can be changed through notetags for a certain battler, as long as it is more than 0 and less or equal to the value set as max.
  • And the final four lines are icons for buffs and debuffs, first and second stages (second stages when they are buffed/debuffed more than once). They can be left as 0 for no images (or to still use the one of the first stage, in the case of the second stage).

In case of any more doubts not understandable here or in the help of the plugin, feel free to ask.


'stat' should be the parameter's command name

Actors, Classes, Enemies
(Actors has preference over Classes)

'x' should be the formula

Allows you to set a different formula for this battler for the parameter's base than the one set on the settings. For example, two actors' base atk grow different, even at the same level.

Actors, Classes, Enemies, Weapons, Armors, and States

Adds/Subtract value to the 'plus' in the parameter's formula.
By defaut 'plus' is added to the base, like for stat-up items.

Multiplies the value of the 'rate' in the parameter's formula.
By defaut 'rate' multiplies 'base' and 'plus', like for states that double attack for a small bit.

Adds/Subtract value to the 'flat' in the parameter's formula.
By defaut 'flat' is added to the result, after the rest of the calculations.

Sets the minimun/maximum value the stat can have.
Preference is for the higher value, both for minimum and maximum.

Changes the stat's buff/debuff limit by the set number.

Skills and Items

Applies a buff/debuff of x turns to the stat.

Changes the duration of a buff/debuff the stat may have.

Sets the duration of a buff/debuff the stat may have to 'turn'.

If you have YEP_EquipBattleSkills, Skills

Increases or decreases the stat if skill is equipped.


As mentioned before, paramId is the parameter's id in the list - 1.

Sets all Plus of the battler's custom stats to 0.

Sets the plus of the custom parameter to get the stat to the value.

Sets the plus of the custom parameter to the value.

Adds value to the custom parameter's plus.

Subtracts value of the custom parameter's plus.

Sets the custom parameter's minimum value.
If a higher value is set through other means, the higher value wins.

Sets the custom parameter's maximum value.
If a higher value is set through other means, the higher value wins.

Removes limits set with setYRparamCustomMin and setYRparamCustomMax.

Adds a buff to the custom parameter.

Adds a debuff to the custom parameter.

Removes the buffs and debuffs of the custom parameter.

Removes the buffs and debuffs of all custom parameters.

If 'turns' is higher, set the buff/debuff's remaining turns for it.

Sets the buff/debuff's remaining turns.

Tells if the battler is being affected by a buff, debuff or either.

Tells the current levels of buff on the battler.
Debuffs are negative.

Tells the current remaining number of turns for the buff.

From here on the codes are for altering the formula values directly. Only use if you know what you are doing.

The value of the parameter's plus.
Also for items.

The value of the parameter's rate.
Also for items.

The value of the parameter's flat.
Also for items.

GenreRole Playing
Tagsplugin, RPG Maker


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Development log

  • Fix Added
    Aug 05, 2020

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Thanks for the great plugin!

Just a couple of questions. If I want to create a new resource pool that is neither HP, MP or TP, can this plugin work and have the corresponding notetags in Skills and Items for the custom resource cost? If yes, can this resource pool be displayed (e.g. I want a new resource pool called Power Points or PP, along with HP, MP and TP, is this possible)?

Sorry, but for now my plugin is limited to parameters. You can, of course, make one for maxPp to change with equip and the like, and one for currentPp that you could set its base to always be maxPp but lower at each use with its plus/flat and set those back to 0 with script calls.

Displaying, however, you would need another plugin to draw the gauge. Even my normal parameters are not shown by my plugin without an outside plugin, even on the status screen.

But for simpler use.. may I suggest Frogboy's plugins? It has a plugin that could be perfect for those, his FROG_Health. (pretty sure you'll need his Core plugin to use it though.

Right now, I'm in the works on a new version of this one with new features including changing the default parameters too, and adding the new parameters you make to the status menu if you so wish. I guess making new resources instead of just parameters could be a good addition.

Thanks for the suggestion! I will need to go through the plugins and see how they work. Hopefully, they do not conflict with my other plugins I am using. I am generally reluctant to add more plugins unless I know they are compatible with what I already have due to the game mechanics I am already planning, but fingers cross that this will work wonders.

Going through FrogBoyMV's plugins, it seems they are trying to re-create a more WRPG experience, compared to the standard ERPG mechanics that comes with RPG MV and most plugins. Would be very interesting if both can be merged into 1 single game (e.g. Frog's Magic combine with Yanfly's Skill Core). Thanks again!

Hi, sorry, I downloaded Frogboy's plugins, and while I love the idea they have, it is rather difficult to understand (I have very little idea about JS). Think I will have to wait for your new version, but no pressure :p, as I put my game on hold as I am still doing world building.

Also, would you be working on a status menu plugin? I am using YEP's status menu which is great, but I am not able to customize the parameter page (only the Attributes page, which are for Ex and Sp Params, which I mostly reduced to Ex Params as I am not using Sp Params as mechanics much, plus Ramza's Dual Wield params).

Lastly, where should this plugin go, assuming I am running all the core engines from Yanfly? The reason I am asking is that I keep getting an error whenever I tried to open the menu.

Sorry, but I won't work on a status menu plugin of my own. I could to be sure but it would be kinda limited to what I would think it should be.. and I don't like limiting the users that much to my own tastes. Mainly because I am aware I'm not a great visual designer.

Instead, my plan is to give you options to show on the current status screen, and add functions to make it easier to get the information you need for adding them in your own custom menus. Maybe some status screens will even already take the changes from the default one, would save the users lots of work.

Hmm, what exactly is the error? I used to use them myself, and never had any problems.
I usually put my plugins under all Yanfly ones, but to be honest I don't think it should cause a problem no matter the position it is put on. Or well, didn't until you said you got an error.
If you could show me a screenshot of the console (some projects open it with F8, others with F12, no idea why, a project I made myself always opens with F8 but some people sent me only open with F12), the default error screen doesn't give barely any info save that an erro happened. Yanfly's makes it give some extra info, but it is not as easy to read as in the console itself and there may be more relevant info the error screen doesn't show.

Thanks for looking into this. I managed to open the console with both F8 and F12. I also have the error from YEP. Please find the screenshot attached.

sorry, but I should have made it clearer.. the console window has many tabs, and that tab you put there seems to be the 'elements' tab. The one I need is the 'console' tab.

that said, I think I did find the cause of the problem through Yanfly's error message, seems like I forgot to initialize the buffs of the new parameters with the new characters, somehow in my tests it skipped any checks without it being initialized before being checked.. but that's ok, that's what tests are for, I think it may be fixed now.
Would you mind testing for me? A new save file may be needed for that, sorry.

Hi, just wanted to let you know, the Frog_Health plugin is not possible to use for extra skill resources at the moment. I read through the forum on RPG Maker forum, and the last message from FrogBoy for the plugin was Dec 2018 where they mentioned that this is in the future plans, but it seems that they have at least temporarily stop further development (last message was Nov 2019 answering some questions on the plugin).

NeMV has a plugin that might work, but it won't show on the status screen or battle window from what I can tell, and they have stopped maintaining it since 2017 as well.'re my only hope for now, huhuhu. This is a great plugin regardless, and thank you for making it, cos it's incredibly user friendly.

And also, where I can put the code battler.(command Name)?

anywhere you would use atk for example.

So if you have a parameter with the command 'will', in a damage formula you would put for example a.will*4 - b.def*2

Hello! I want to make states that gives buffs and debuffs that are not on percentages. For example: Attack Buff that gives +3 ATK. How can I do that by changing the Base Parameter Formula?

If you look in the formula, the value is multiplied by the buff rate. Just change it to add instead.

But you will also need to change the buff rate formula to use properly.


This document will cover all the bases to the Akea Animated Battle System, which I will refer it as AABS for the rest of this document. After this document, you should be ready to create your dream battle system. If you need further help, join us on discord for support/bug reports: off lets see each term needed for our battle system!


Spritesheets are how animation is done on AABS, they are easy to work and manipulate.Example:

Akea works manipulating each moment and making everything feel smooth and flowing naturally, AABS accepts all Spritesheets, but you will need to configure them, which is showed later in this document.


The poses are the stance a battler is at the moment, it shows the type of action the battler is currently doing or will do.This would be an attack pose: Fm 2005 editor free download.

Sleep pose:

And so on, they dictate the action of the battler


Actions are what moves the battlers. An action would be making a battler run forward, or jump, in AABS you need to combine action with poses. So a running action could be making a battler go from one end of the screen to the other using the running pose. Or a step back action:

User and Target

User is the one that will star the actions be it attacking, casting a spell or other things and the target will be its target of action, like an enemy on the battlefield.


Now that you know the terms, it is time to start configuring the system! First off lets talk how to configure everything on the parameters!


Left Side: Here you can see a list of spritesheets, you can add any number of spritesheets you need for your game, Once you click to add one you will get to configure more 3 parameters:

Right Side:

  1. FrameNum - The number of frames for each pose in the spritesheet
  2. SpritesheetHeight - The number of poses from up to down in the sheet
  3. SpritesheetWidth - The number of poses from left to right

Actor and enemy spritesheets are basically the same, to set up a specific spritesheet for an actor or enemy you can use the same spritesheet number configured above.If you configured 2 spritesheets, id 1 will be the first one and id 2 the second.

In this image we have configured spritesheet of id 1 for both actors of id 4 and 1 of the database.

Specific for enemies you can also point out to a svBattler, this is optional! You can also use directly the image from the DB for the enemies, but because of the awkward positioning of full spritesheets there, this has been made to make things easier:


Now lets configure the poses of our AABS!You can add as many poses as you want and you can have multiple poses with the same name, since we will append each pose to a battler, which means different battlers can have different pose configuration for the same pose!MV/MZ has its default poses which are the following:

  • walk:
  • wait:
  • chant:
  • guard:
  • damage:
  • evade:
  • thrust:
  • swing:
  • missile:
  • skill:
  • spell:
  • item:
  • escape:
  • victory:
  • dying:
  • abnormal
  • sleep:
  • dead:

If you do not configure those poses AABS will use default MZ pose configuration, if you do configure it, your configuration will overwrite that pose for the battler you appended the pose into.

Left Side: All the poses you want to configure, the number is ilimited, just add a new pose you wish to make!

Right Side:

  1. info - This area is free to use as you wish, this is to help organizing your poses.
  2. name - name of the pose, if you use any of the default poses, it will be overwritten, you can add any name for poses you want to use in specific actions.
  3. InOut - This only works with the loop as true, this is if you wish for the pose to loop like 1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4 or 1-2-3-4-3-2-1-2-3, these numbers are the frames of your battler.
  4. loop - If this is set true, animation will keep on looping as long as the battler holds this pose, if it is off, battler will stop on the last frame.
  5. frequency - It is the frequency in which the frame change happens, for example an 8 means it will wait 8 frames to change the battler from frame 1 to 2. As default MZ is set to run 60 frames per second, so 8 frames would be 8/60 seconds before changing it.
  6. poseIndex - it is the row of the spritesheet, below is each pose index on the default MZ spritesheet starting from 0:

Appending Poses

Now that you have configured your poses you can append them to actors and enemies!Just go to parameters and choose Actor/Enemy Poses Configuration

You will need to create a new entry for each actor/enemy you want to append your new pose configuration, do remember if you don't append your new poses AABS will just use the MZ default pose.

Then, for each battler you set its id on the database and then just add as many poses as you need for that battler!

the number is the same id of the pose configured on the poses parameters.


Now it is time to create actions!Do note, actions are small movements, you will be able to join actions to create a big action instead. This is made so that its much less work for you to create actions, and you can reuse a lot of actions if you do need.

Rpg Maker Mv Damage Formula

In case of any more doubts not understandable here or in the help of the plugin, feel free to ask.


'stat' should be the parameter's command name

Actors, Classes, Enemies
(Actors has preference over Classes)

'x' should be the formula

Allows you to set a different formula for this battler for the parameter's base than the one set on the settings. For example, two actors' base atk grow different, even at the same level.

Actors, Classes, Enemies, Weapons, Armors, and States

Adds/Subtract value to the 'plus' in the parameter's formula.
By defaut 'plus' is added to the base, like for stat-up items.

Multiplies the value of the 'rate' in the parameter's formula.
By defaut 'rate' multiplies 'base' and 'plus', like for states that double attack for a small bit.

Adds/Subtract value to the 'flat' in the parameter's formula.
By defaut 'flat' is added to the result, after the rest of the calculations.

Sets the minimun/maximum value the stat can have.
Preference is for the higher value, both for minimum and maximum.

Changes the stat's buff/debuff limit by the set number.

Skills and Items

Applies a buff/debuff of x turns to the stat.

Changes the duration of a buff/debuff the stat may have.

Sets the duration of a buff/debuff the stat may have to 'turn'.

If you have YEP_EquipBattleSkills, Skills

Increases or decreases the stat if skill is equipped.


As mentioned before, paramId is the parameter's id in the list - 1.

Sets all Plus of the battler's custom stats to 0.

Sets the plus of the custom parameter to get the stat to the value.

Sets the plus of the custom parameter to the value.

Adds value to the custom parameter's plus.

Subtracts value of the custom parameter's plus.

Sets the custom parameter's minimum value.
If a higher value is set through other means, the higher value wins.

Sets the custom parameter's maximum value.
If a higher value is set through other means, the higher value wins.

Removes limits set with setYRparamCustomMin and setYRparamCustomMax.

Adds a buff to the custom parameter.

Adds a debuff to the custom parameter.

Removes the buffs and debuffs of the custom parameter.

Removes the buffs and debuffs of all custom parameters.

If 'turns' is higher, set the buff/debuff's remaining turns for it.

Sets the buff/debuff's remaining turns.

Tells if the battler is being affected by a buff, debuff or either.

Tells the current levels of buff on the battler.
Debuffs are negative.

Tells the current remaining number of turns for the buff.

From here on the codes are for altering the formula values directly. Only use if you know what you are doing.

The value of the parameter's plus.
Also for items.

The value of the parameter's rate.
Also for items.

The value of the parameter's flat.
Also for items.

GenreRole Playing
Tagsplugin, RPG Maker


Click download now to get access to the following files:

Development log

  • Fix Added
    Aug 05, 2020

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Thanks for the great plugin!

Just a couple of questions. If I want to create a new resource pool that is neither HP, MP or TP, can this plugin work and have the corresponding notetags in Skills and Items for the custom resource cost? If yes, can this resource pool be displayed (e.g. I want a new resource pool called Power Points or PP, along with HP, MP and TP, is this possible)?

Sorry, but for now my plugin is limited to parameters. You can, of course, make one for maxPp to change with equip and the like, and one for currentPp that you could set its base to always be maxPp but lower at each use with its plus/flat and set those back to 0 with script calls.

Displaying, however, you would need another plugin to draw the gauge. Even my normal parameters are not shown by my plugin without an outside plugin, even on the status screen.

But for simpler use.. may I suggest Frogboy's plugins? It has a plugin that could be perfect for those, his FROG_Health. (pretty sure you'll need his Core plugin to use it though.

Right now, I'm in the works on a new version of this one with new features including changing the default parameters too, and adding the new parameters you make to the status menu if you so wish. I guess making new resources instead of just parameters could be a good addition.

Thanks for the suggestion! I will need to go through the plugins and see how they work. Hopefully, they do not conflict with my other plugins I am using. I am generally reluctant to add more plugins unless I know they are compatible with what I already have due to the game mechanics I am already planning, but fingers cross that this will work wonders.

Going through FrogBoyMV's plugins, it seems they are trying to re-create a more WRPG experience, compared to the standard ERPG mechanics that comes with RPG MV and most plugins. Would be very interesting if both can be merged into 1 single game (e.g. Frog's Magic combine with Yanfly's Skill Core). Thanks again!

Hi, sorry, I downloaded Frogboy's plugins, and while I love the idea they have, it is rather difficult to understand (I have very little idea about JS). Think I will have to wait for your new version, but no pressure :p, as I put my game on hold as I am still doing world building.

Also, would you be working on a status menu plugin? I am using YEP's status menu which is great, but I am not able to customize the parameter page (only the Attributes page, which are for Ex and Sp Params, which I mostly reduced to Ex Params as I am not using Sp Params as mechanics much, plus Ramza's Dual Wield params).

Lastly, where should this plugin go, assuming I am running all the core engines from Yanfly? The reason I am asking is that I keep getting an error whenever I tried to open the menu.

Sorry, but I won't work on a status menu plugin of my own. I could to be sure but it would be kinda limited to what I would think it should be.. and I don't like limiting the users that much to my own tastes. Mainly because I am aware I'm not a great visual designer.

Instead, my plan is to give you options to show on the current status screen, and add functions to make it easier to get the information you need for adding them in your own custom menus. Maybe some status screens will even already take the changes from the default one, would save the users lots of work.

Hmm, what exactly is the error? I used to use them myself, and never had any problems.
I usually put my plugins under all Yanfly ones, but to be honest I don't think it should cause a problem no matter the position it is put on. Or well, didn't until you said you got an error.
If you could show me a screenshot of the console (some projects open it with F8, others with F12, no idea why, a project I made myself always opens with F8 but some people sent me only open with F12), the default error screen doesn't give barely any info save that an erro happened. Yanfly's makes it give some extra info, but it is not as easy to read as in the console itself and there may be more relevant info the error screen doesn't show.

Thanks for looking into this. I managed to open the console with both F8 and F12. I also have the error from YEP. Please find the screenshot attached.

sorry, but I should have made it clearer.. the console window has many tabs, and that tab you put there seems to be the 'elements' tab. The one I need is the 'console' tab.

that said, I think I did find the cause of the problem through Yanfly's error message, seems like I forgot to initialize the buffs of the new parameters with the new characters, somehow in my tests it skipped any checks without it being initialized before being checked.. but that's ok, that's what tests are for, I think it may be fixed now.
Would you mind testing for me? A new save file may be needed for that, sorry.

Hi, just wanted to let you know, the Frog_Health plugin is not possible to use for extra skill resources at the moment. I read through the forum on RPG Maker forum, and the last message from FrogBoy for the plugin was Dec 2018 where they mentioned that this is in the future plans, but it seems that they have at least temporarily stop further development (last message was Nov 2019 answering some questions on the plugin).

NeMV has a plugin that might work, but it won't show on the status screen or battle window from what I can tell, and they have stopped maintaining it since 2017 as well.'re my only hope for now, huhuhu. This is a great plugin regardless, and thank you for making it, cos it's incredibly user friendly.

And also, where I can put the code battler.(command Name)?

anywhere you would use atk for example.

So if you have a parameter with the command 'will', in a damage formula you would put for example a.will*4 - b.def*2

Hello! I want to make states that gives buffs and debuffs that are not on percentages. For example: Attack Buff that gives +3 ATK. How can I do that by changing the Base Parameter Formula?

If you look in the formula, the value is multiplied by the buff rate. Just change it to add instead.

But you will also need to change the buff rate formula to use properly.


This document will cover all the bases to the Akea Animated Battle System, which I will refer it as AABS for the rest of this document. After this document, you should be ready to create your dream battle system. If you need further help, join us on discord for support/bug reports: off lets see each term needed for our battle system!


Spritesheets are how animation is done on AABS, they are easy to work and manipulate.Example:

Akea works manipulating each moment and making everything feel smooth and flowing naturally, AABS accepts all Spritesheets, but you will need to configure them, which is showed later in this document.


The poses are the stance a battler is at the moment, it shows the type of action the battler is currently doing or will do.This would be an attack pose: Fm 2005 editor free download.

Sleep pose:

And so on, they dictate the action of the battler


Actions are what moves the battlers. An action would be making a battler run forward, or jump, in AABS you need to combine action with poses. So a running action could be making a battler go from one end of the screen to the other using the running pose. Or a step back action:

User and Target

User is the one that will star the actions be it attacking, casting a spell or other things and the target will be its target of action, like an enemy on the battlefield.


Now that you know the terms, it is time to start configuring the system! First off lets talk how to configure everything on the parameters!


Left Side: Here you can see a list of spritesheets, you can add any number of spritesheets you need for your game, Once you click to add one you will get to configure more 3 parameters:

Right Side:

  1. FrameNum - The number of frames for each pose in the spritesheet
  2. SpritesheetHeight - The number of poses from up to down in the sheet
  3. SpritesheetWidth - The number of poses from left to right

Actor and enemy spritesheets are basically the same, to set up a specific spritesheet for an actor or enemy you can use the same spritesheet number configured above.If you configured 2 spritesheets, id 1 will be the first one and id 2 the second.

In this image we have configured spritesheet of id 1 for both actors of id 4 and 1 of the database.

Specific for enemies you can also point out to a svBattler, this is optional! You can also use directly the image from the DB for the enemies, but because of the awkward positioning of full spritesheets there, this has been made to make things easier:


Now lets configure the poses of our AABS!You can add as many poses as you want and you can have multiple poses with the same name, since we will append each pose to a battler, which means different battlers can have different pose configuration for the same pose!MV/MZ has its default poses which are the following:

  • walk:
  • wait:
  • chant:
  • guard:
  • damage:
  • evade:
  • thrust:
  • swing:
  • missile:
  • skill:
  • spell:
  • item:
  • escape:
  • victory:
  • dying:
  • abnormal
  • sleep:
  • dead:

If you do not configure those poses AABS will use default MZ pose configuration, if you do configure it, your configuration will overwrite that pose for the battler you appended the pose into.

Left Side: All the poses you want to configure, the number is ilimited, just add a new pose you wish to make!

Right Side:

  1. info - This area is free to use as you wish, this is to help organizing your poses.
  2. name - name of the pose, if you use any of the default poses, it will be overwritten, you can add any name for poses you want to use in specific actions.
  3. InOut - This only works with the loop as true, this is if you wish for the pose to loop like 1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4 or 1-2-3-4-3-2-1-2-3, these numbers are the frames of your battler.
  4. loop - If this is set true, animation will keep on looping as long as the battler holds this pose, if it is off, battler will stop on the last frame.
  5. frequency - It is the frequency in which the frame change happens, for example an 8 means it will wait 8 frames to change the battler from frame 1 to 2. As default MZ is set to run 60 frames per second, so 8 frames would be 8/60 seconds before changing it.
  6. poseIndex - it is the row of the spritesheet, below is each pose index on the default MZ spritesheet starting from 0:

Appending Poses

Now that you have configured your poses you can append them to actors and enemies!Just go to parameters and choose Actor/Enemy Poses Configuration

You will need to create a new entry for each actor/enemy you want to append your new pose configuration, do remember if you don't append your new poses AABS will just use the MZ default pose.

Then, for each battler you set its id on the database and then just add as many poses as you need for that battler!

the number is the same id of the pose configured on the poses parameters.


Now it is time to create actions!Do note, actions are small movements, you will be able to join actions to create a big action instead. This is made so that its much less work for you to create actions, and you can reuse a lot of actions if you do need.

Left Side: Your actions! Create as many as you like!Right Side:

  1. info - This area is free to use as you wish, this is to help organizing your actions.
  2. pose - It is the name of the pose you want the battler to take while doing the action, do note, you can call any of the default poses of MZ even if you didn't configure them here!
  3. time - this is the amount of time (in frames) the action will take to complete, the same battler can not do another action while the previous is still happening.
  4. movementType - 4.1 absolute - movement will happen according to the battler's current place.4.2 fromHome - movement will happen taking in consideration its initial position.4.3 target - battler will go towards the target of the skill, do note multiple targets means battler will go towards the first target only.4.4 noMove - battler will do its action on its current position.
  5. offsetX - based on the movement type, this is how much on the X-axis the battler will go. Ex: an offsetX of 50 on the target movement type means the battler will stop 50 pixels to the right of the target.
  6. offsetY - same as X, but instead with Y-axis
  7. jumpHeight - the jump height the battler will make when doing the action.
  8. levitate - if set true, shadows will not follow the battler.
  9. mirror - you can mirror the action with this set on, so battlers can face both directions.

Extra Configuration

  1. Script calls - here you can set up script calls as actions, they will be called on the skill notes, I will show below how to correctly call them. This has been made to make it easier for add-ons of different developers work just fine with the system.
  2. Entry Actors - animation of actors entering the battle.2.1 action - action id to append to this movement.2.2 offsetX - offset in X-axis where battlers will start.2.3 offsetY - same as above, but in Y-axis.2.4 homeX - final actor position in X, this can be a formula, index is the index in the party position.2.5 homeY - same as above, but in Y-axis.
  3. Entry Enemies - same as above, but with enemies, since their positions are fixed on the database, you can ignore the homeX/homeY configuration.
  4. Step Forward Action - the action that makes actors step forward when selected.
  5. Step Back Action - Action the battlers take when going back 'home'
  6. Retreat Action - Action of the battlers when they run from a battle
  7. Damage Action - Action of the battlers when they take damage
  8. Evade Action - Action of the battlers when they evade a hit.

Database Configuration

Now that you have configured all the parameters it is time to put everything together! In this section you will learn how to properly create actions for skills and items.

Rpg Maker Mv Damage Formula

Skills, Items and Weapons

To configure AABS correctly you will use Note part of the Skills/Items/Weapons to configure.Weapons notes are called when using the attack command, if the actor has a weapon it will instead use the notes of the weapon instead of the skill.

How does it work? AABS will read each line individually and execute an action according to it if AABS finds it configured on the parameters.The action after it will not be executed until the action before meets its conditions, do notice this only applies for individual battlers, when making actions to other battlers they will happen simultaneously! This makes everything much more dynamic!So what are the tags you can add to notes?

  • id: num : Number of the action,
  • Ex: id: 2 to get the second action on the parameters `
  • id: num : exactly the same as above, but the action will be dealt
  • to the target and not the user. `
  • id: number : Play a, database animation on the target Ex:
  • id: 55 : Plays animation id 55 on the Target `
  • id: number : Same as above, but on the user Ex:
  • id: 55 : Plays animation id 55 on the User `
  • id: number : Calls the expression configured on the Script Call parameters:
  • id: 33 : Calls the expression 33 on the parameters `
  • id: number : Appends skill to the current skill, just be careful to not make loops:
  • id: 27 : Calls the skill 27, all animations will be added to the current one `
  • damage: number : Calls a damage to the target, this damage is in percent according
  • to the same formula in that skill on the database
  • id: 50 : Calls a hit for aproximately 50% damage of the skill formula `
  • damage: damage : Same as above, but with weapon animation
  • to the same formula in that skill on the database
  • : Calls a hit for aproximately 30% damage of the skill formula `
  • damage: damage : Same as above, but with all targets
  • damage: 50 : Calls a hit for aproximately 50% damage of the skill formula `
  • time: time : Waits a certain time before the next action, in frames, usually 60 = 1 second
  • time: 60 : Waits 60 frames (1 second) `
  • : Randomizes the target, choose random target on the skill and this
  • will change targets in the middle of the Action!


This should be enough for you all incredible gamedevs to create an amazing battle! Test it out and with some tries you will easily be able to create incredible action sequences!

Rpg Maker Mv Skills

Support or Contact

Rpg Maker Mv Damage Formula Generator

Did you like the AABS? leave us a comment on discord! I hope you all liked the Akea Animated Battle System! We are continuosly working for improvements to give you all the best experience when it comes to battling o/.

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